It's Sunita here.
“The things you do not have to say make you rich.
Saying things you do not have to say weakens your talk.
Hearing things you do not need to hear dulls your hearing.
And things you know before you hear them--those are you,
Those are why you are in the world.”
― William Stafford, Crossing Unmarked Snow
The snowstorm that hit the northeastern shore has been a perfect time to reflect on these lyrical words of poet, William Stafford from his book, Crossing Unmarked Snow.
The quality and richness of silence is where we will find our fullest, and unique voice. Our inner voice that invites us to become our best selves. It waits for us to notice it. When we do, it then guides us like a sherpa, to the deep well within that holds the wisdom to liberate us from the difficult complexities of life.
We must stop looking for what is not out there.
As we are bombarded by so- called experts, influencers, entertainers, and practically anyone who posts their thoughts, experiences and opinions on readily available avenues, it is so easy to allow our own thoughts to be swallowed up by these voices of repetitive, unimaginative mediocrity.
Ignoring and denying what is plentiful and abundant inside us, we scroll down different platforms of social media, not only wasting our precious time, but also insulting our discerning selves as we allow the dullness of these outside voices to mute our own imaginative and powerful one.
Only when we become still, and look within us do we discover what we instinctively know about our journey.
I hope you found such stillness during the spectacular, and powerful beauty of this snowstorm. William Stafford's words need to be read again and again, to grasp the simple but profound wisdom they bring us. They never get old.
Wishing you a safe week ahead,
Full of your unique voice!
#selfloveselfcarefirst #williamstafford #poem #crossingunmarkedsnow #poetry #words #yourvoice #mediocrity
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